
Fire Alarm Servicing 

Here at Elda Fire We can take the stress away from meeting all fire alarm regulations

Our Fire Alarm Maintenance / Servicing Includes:

  • Call Points Checked
  • Smoke Detectors Checked
  • Heat Detectors Checked
  • Sounders & Panel Checked
  • Full Compliance Certificate
  • No VAT or Call Out
  • Full Report
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Or Call Elda Fire on: 01482 714970


An Effective Fully Serviced Fire Alarm Protection System not only protects your home or business property from fire damage, but can also save the lives of your loved ones or employees.

If you aren’t servicing your fire alarm, how do you know they’re actually protecting your building and the people inside it?

Legally, you’re obliged to have your fire alarm system serviced/maintained at least once every six months (check out the British Standards, specifically BS 5839-1: 2017 for more info).

If you are unaware a fire is happening, how can you facilitate quick safe evacuation?

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Or Call Elda Fire on: 01482 714970

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Elda Fire Limited
Telephone Number: 01482 427172
Company Reg Num: 13885190
Designed & Powered by Swift 32